Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Community Service Okay

Thanks so much for all the calls, and offers of help. I got some really good advice, and I'm on it.

Amazingly, I got people calling for court order volunteers as well.

So that's a big plus. So no weirdo's, and no stealing my stuff. But Heck yah, well take in community service guys and help you get your community service done.

Need to do COURT ORDERED Community Service? UA MAU KE EA O KA AINA I KA PONO- "Perpertuate the land in righteousness" Come Join us and Work for the AINA (land)

Join us and learn landscaping. Work in a Forest, we do forest conservation work. Learn about the Hawaiian culture. Learn about Hawaiian History, where the ancient high chiefs once lived and roamed. Near the river, under the cool canopy of huge trees.

AINA KAPU "This land is sacred" - But if you come with a good heart, well take you!! Come be a KOA- "Warrior" and MALAMA PONO - "Work with us" E KOMO MAI "Welcome" Making trails, picking coffee, planting trees, sit and hang out in a real "man-cave" landscaping, plant taro, cherries, feed the rabbits, ducks, ti-leaves, palm trees, etc.

We need you too! We need your KOKUA- "help" to volunteer their time.

I'm an Ex-felon so I understand!! I once had to do 300 hours of community service, and then my conviction was overturned!! Now I'm a Project Manager.

*** We take traffic violators/criminals too who have to do COURT -ORDERED community service. I once had to do 300 hours of COMMUNITY SERVICE for my Felony conviction and then it was overturned 5 years later.

I never got COMPENSATED those 300 hours working at the city parks picking up trash. I SOPPOSE IT came from my "good heart"! What about my 90 days jail too, do I get compensated for that?!! Hell No!! So I'll take FOLKS court ordered community service, so come work for me.

Thank you Judges, Prosecutors, and Fake Witnesses who lied against me trying to take me down, a single welfare mother of 4 small children!! This is how I get my pay back!! I'll be looking to get 100 times the 300 hours of community service I did. This is how we roll!!

MALAMA PONO "Take care and Protect"

So I actually did all those hours and jail time for nothing, but that's okay, I consider it volunteer work. And it came from my "good heart"!! So come and bring your good heart, and good positive attitude.

Need spiritual healing?? This is the place to give back to the Aina, and roam around where Ancient Hawaiians High Chiefs once lived.

Learn a little, live a little, and give a little to our AINA.

So your more than welcome to help us. We'll put you to work and get to learn something too.

Swim in the river, play with the ducks, feed the ducks, plant some ti-leaves, taro, help water the plants, come up with a good idea, and well do it. Wanna build something, build a shed, or a picnic table, and well count that too!! Just come help us out, and we'll help you out!!

Before I was convicted, I was a substitute and high school teacher, so come talk to me, I'm easy to work with, and get along well with mostly everyone, criminals too!!

Come volunteer or Community Service for the lands of Waimalu "Sacred Water" Valley, a place where the high Kings and Chiefs once lived!!

No worries, we're easy to work with. So join us for and give us a lending hand!! A big ALOHA's and this is how we all working together to get things done.

Work in a forest, help us make trails, restore the forest, plant taro, plant palms, feed the ducks, learn landscaping, plant palms, we got lots to do, and we can think of something as well.

I remember when I was a convicted felon, I had to do 300 hours of community service. So I know all about community service. And then when my conviction was overturned, guess what? I ended up doing all those hours for nothing, right!! Yeah, but that's allright!! All those hours come from my good heart!! So thanks again, and were still in need of construction workers, time, and labor.Email or Call 542-9393, ask for Ms. K

Look forward to meeting you!!

MALAMA PONO A HUI HOU "Take care and until we meet again"